Feeding Sedum Plants

Enviromat Sedum Matting is a very shallow system with only a relatively small amount of growing material for the plants to find nutrients in. Sedums are specially adapted to survive on meagre rations but nevertheless they do need some nourishment if they are to thrive. On the roof, they have no access to soil-based nutrients and so it is important that the plants are given fertiliser. Without fertiliser, the sedum plants will languish, and die out leaving ugly bare patches on the roof.

Apply a slow-release fertiliser at the beginning of the growing season i.e. March-April.

We recommend using Nutrifusion Spring/Summer grade which contains all the nutrients essential to growth and flowering.

Nutrifusion is a granular feed which is simply sprinkled on the roof either by hand or using a trolley applicator. A 2.5 Kg tub of Nutrifusion will feed 120 square metres of Enviromat.

For a steep slope (over 15 degrees), in areas of heavy rainfall, or where plants appear to be in poor health, a second feed can be applied 6-8 weeks later i.e. late spring/early summer.

Always follow the manufacturers instructions.

Nutrifusion is available from us.