Caring For Your Green Roof

Properly designed and constructed, a lightweight domestic green roof constructed using Enviromat Sedum Matting is relatively low maintenance; however it is essential to make an annual inspection and to carry out some speedy and simple jobs to ensure that your roof remains in good condition.

  1. Ensure that it is safe to access the roof (ie the roof is strong and the weather is OK ie not windy or raining) and that the relevant Health and Safety procedures are followed at all times. Click here for more details.
  2. Remove all debris from the roof surface, rainwater outlets, chutes, gutters etc. Debris includes rubbish, fallen leaves and any rogue tree seedlings that may have germinated up there.
  3. If your roof is near to tall trees it will need more frequent maintenance. We recommend removing dead leaves in late autumn and again in the spring to ensure that the sedum plants are not covered up and suffocated.

  4. Sedum plants will not survive in poorly drained conditions
    Open the lid of the inspection chambers and ensure that all rainwater outlets - including down pipes - are free from blockages and that water can flow freely. Check too that outlet grills are free from obstruction. Sedum plants will not survive in poorly drained conditions so be sure that there is nothing to impare drainage.
  5. Ensure that any protective metal flashings or termination bars are securely fixed and in place.
  6. Examine all sealant and mortar pointing for signs of degredation and repair or renew as necessary.
  7. Where promenad tiles or paving slabs exist, make sure that they remain secure and in good condition.
  8. Make sure that any items of plant or equipment that may have been introduced to the roof are sited on a suitable isolated slab and that any fixings that have been used do not penetrate the waterproofing.
  9. Finally: in spring time, apply a slow release fertiliser to keep the sedum plants vibrant and healthy. Be sure to follow the manufacturers instructions!